-In past English classes I have done peer review or peer editing so I knew right away what it was. Back in high school, I loved when someone would peer edit my paper because I knew any pair of second eyes on my paper could help me. In past editing, I now realize what I was writing was probably not very helpful. For our first paper in class, we were given a handout that told us what to look for during our peer editing sessions. Something that has stuck with me the past few essays was finding claims within other papers. U want to make sure you have claims and are backing them up so having someone comment when you see one is much more helpful than you would expect from a simple comment that states “claim”.
Also when editing others’ work I try to help with their format. When I see an area that I feel more could be added I try to give the writer more than one option so they don’t feel they have to stay on a singular path. I try to find at least two different ways I feel they could improve on this certain part, they can either choose just one or both or none. I try to just help them with parts I found confusing. When I get these comments it helps me see where I am not being clear enough. I love getting feedback on my paper because it is a rough draft so all the help I can get is useful information.
Within the examples I chose, you see me make the claims comments on the paper and where I give two choices a person could take, or not.

Link to the peer edited essay https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RkbutkQvj8dMdTOxI_xy0UvEf7gA9mzVvY0uK2__awA/edit