Project 3

Final Reflection

  • Planning and thoughts about job interviews 
  • As we were given the introduction to this project I was immediately nervous with the idea of having a job interview. The few interviews I have had have also made me very nervous so i wasnt surprised with this nervousness that struck me. As we began to plan within class I definitely wanted to be prepared for this and take it seriously. I knew this certain project would help me as I advance into adulthood and real job interviews, not just jobs like retail. What I found really difficult at the beginning of this project was having to come up with my own job and description. I feel once we broke into our groups and were able to combine all of our ideas the job turned out pretty well 
  • What it was like to observe or experience the role of interviewer
  • On the day of the practice interview day where two people were gonna be interviewed I was pretty calm since I knew I wasnt going to be presenting today. I feel that day I was able to gain some knowledge of things that could possibly be asked when it comes to be my time to get interviewed. Observing the council also helped me be able to prepare so that when I would be the council memeber I could understand the flow of it. I knew that from watching I wanted to come prepared with questions for when I would be interviewed because it proves that you are prepared and engaged. When it was time for me to be council I wasnt very nervous about this. I knew that I would simply be asking questions that I had prepared. What I did find difficult was listening to the interviewee speak and then having to be engaged but also take notes on them. I didnt realize how prepared you must be to actually conduct an interview. It was interesting to be on that side of things.
  • What it was like to observe or experience the role of interviewee
  • This part of this whole process stressed me out so much. I hated the idea of people observing me while I was being interviewed. I feel that when the pratice people went and everyone was watching, it definitely scared me. I was happy to find out we would be split into two sides of the rooms to conduct the interview and less people would be watching me. I was the last person to go in my group which I thought I would like the best but then I realized that I probably shouldve gone sooner and just gotten it over with. I was watching my group go and I was super impressed with them. I was nervous I was going to forget everything I had prepared in my mind to bring up for example. As it was finally my time my hands were so sweaty I felt so bad that I had to shake their hands. As soon as it started they gave me funny questions which settled my nerves just a little bit and I just had to remember to just be honest and give good examples. As it went on I felt I remembered everything I wanted to for my examples for my skills and what I would bring to this particular job. When it reached the end of the interview I was completely settled of my nerves and I feel my questions I asked were actually good questions I should ask at a real interview. They asked about the training process which I never have asked and then when training came it was not what I expected.  I feel that doing this really actually helped me with my speaking and being quick on my feet. I was pretty proud of myself 
  • Reflections on your arrival at the end of the project.
  • Obviously when the project first began I was not loving the idea. Surprisingly as we now wrap it up I actually loved the experience it gave me. I loved that we were able to be a mock company and create a fake job with fake details with our groups. I enjoyed my group and felt as though we worked very well together. I also feel it forced me to grow as a communicator. I also enjoyed how we were all able to do every aspect of this project. We were forced to just be an interviewer and only that, we got to do it all. So as we end this I feel shocked I actually now enjoy it.